#3 incubator
March 29 & April 5
Proof of Concept: Are Montessori Projects Viable?
Incubator #3
Proof of Concept: Are Montessori Projects Viable?
Test The Viability of Your Specific Project
Practical Follow-Up Workshop
April 5, 4pm CE
LEARN MOREthe #3 incubator begins...
March 29 at 4pm CET
What Makes Montessori Viable?
Initial Pre-Recorded Webinar
March 29 at 4pm CET
Imagine this. You come up with an idea for a Montessori project. You are excited beyond words. You think: “This is such a great idea! People need this! I got to do it! I am going to change the world!”You begin to develop the idea, you start making plans in your head, but the more you think about it, the less confident you are. What if you end up spending a bunch of time and money building this project, and there just aren’t enough people interested to make it worthwhile?
That’s why it’s so important for us, Montessori entrepreneurs, to actually do a market viability analysis and a project viability test before diving head-first into a new venture.
In this webinar, I’ll break down the concept of market and project viability to help you understand what you should be looking for before launching that exciting new project of yours.
In this pre-recorded webinar, you’ll explore:
Test The Viability of Your Specific Project
Practical Follow-Up Workshop
April 5 at 4pm CET
In this hands-on, practical follow-up workshop, I aim to guide you through the essential process of testing the viability of your Montessori project. Together, we’ll delve into the challenges and risks that arise when launching a project without thoroughly assessing its viability—and the consequences this oversight can have on your time, resources, and long-term success.
Once you fully understand the critical importance of project viability testing, I will introduce you to a structured framework designed to help you test your idea methodically and effectively. This workshop is not about theory—it's about equipping you with actionable tools and steps to bring clarity and direction to your Montessori project.
In this practical workshop, you will:
 My experience with testing viability…
why should you listen to me on this?
Nineteen years ago, I had no idea how to launch a project, run a company, or even approach Montessori education. Today, I run a globally recognized AMI teacher training institute and my own school. But I didn’t begin my journey thinking, “I want to start a training center, a school, and a farm, all at once.” Instead, I listened to the needs of those around me and started small.
It began with a simple mothers’ self-help group—no investment, no formal training required. We met to support each other and share our experiences. Later, some of my friends said, “It would be nice if we had our own space.” That inspired me to start thinking about securing a place for us.
Once we had our space, other mothers began joining, and they suggested, “It would be great if you could start a kindergarten.” Their interest sparked the idea to open one.
The best proof of concept is the demonstrated demand from your market. Importantly, you don’t need to launch a full-scale school to test if there’s demand for one—you work in reverse. Start small, listen, and grow organically.
Join me for the workshop to learn how to apply this approach. It’s the only safe and sustainable way to start.